Pfsense (6)

ESXI & PfSense comme firewall   Bonjour à tous, Petit Long tuto fastidieux pour ceux qui souhaiterai comme moi, mettre en place PfSense sur leur serveur dédié Dedibox. A priori rien de bien compliqué sauf qu'en fait si, d'où ce tuto ! Ce que vous devez avoir avant de commencer : - Un serveur dédié chez - Vous avez acheté une IP supplémentaire via le portail (IP Failover) et l'avez associée à votre serveur. - Avoir obtenu une adresse MAC virtuelle pour VMware (toujours via le portail - Vous avez déployé ESXI sur votre serveur (toujours via le portail L'objectif est…

PF - pfctl命令备忘

  # pfctl -d Disable the packet filter. # pfctl -e Enable the packet filter. # pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf 载入 pf.conf 文件 # pfctl -nf /etc/pf.conf 解析文件,但不载入 # pfctl -Nf /etc/pf.conf 只载入文件中的NAT规则 # pfctl -Rf /etc/pf.conf 只载入文件中的过滤规则 # pfctl -sn 显示当前的NAT规则 # pfctl -sr 显示当前的过滤规则 # pfctl -ss 显示当前的状态表 # pfctl -si 显示过滤状态和计数 # pfctl -sa 显示任何可显示的

Setup a pfSense 2.0 firewall when default gateway is on a different subnet     I have written a better article, using the firewall in transparent mode here . This article has been updated for pfSense 2.0. The original article about pfSense 1.2.X has moved here. News: It looks like the OVH gateway works like an universal ARP proxy or Captive portal. I means my OVH gateway replies to any ARP request. This means that for any given a.b.c.d/32 failover IP, I can setup a host or virtual host using a mask /24 (instead of /32) and my gateway a.b.c.X where X can be anything not in ( 0, 255 or d ) and it will works.…

pfsense Enable WAN using shell

* Install pfSense  on your target machine * Unless your WAN gets a DHCP address, you will need to manually assign the IP Address of the WAN interface:   --> Get to the CLI (option 8 )   --> Type "ifconfig en0" (substitute en0 for your WAN interface and use the correct IP Address/Mask)   --> Type "route add default <default-gw-ip>"   --> Type "pfctl -d" to temporarily disable the packet filter * Point your browser to your WAN IP address then login as admin/pfsense * Once you have done your initial configuration, MAKE SURE to enable the packet filter again (CLI…

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Call Stack
10.0006403064{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.06111463528Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->execute( ).../index.php:49
30.06111463528Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute( ).../CMSApplication.php:196
40.28699025952Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch( ).../SiteApplication.php:233
50.28789050296Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent( ).../SiteApplication.php:194
60.28869105624Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent( ).../ComponentHelper.php:377
70.28899133512require_once( '/var/www/vhosts/' ).../ComponentHelper.php:402
80.29629425312K2ControllerItemlist->execute( ).../k2.php:64
90.29629425312K2ControllerItemlist->display( ).../BaseController.php:710
100.312610455360K2ControllerItemlist->display( ).../itemlist.php:49
110.312610455360K2ControllerItemlist->display( ).../controller.php:19
120.315610676632Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get( ).../BaseController.php:663
130.316710697320K2ViewItemlist->display( ).../ViewController.php:102
140.443713708624K2ViewItemlist->display( ).../view.html.php:1407
150.443713708624K2ViewItemlist->loadTemplate( ).../HtmlView.php:230
160.445113779296include( '/var/www/vhosts/' ).../HtmlView.php:701